
I will always stay as a Mozillian. | by Viking KARWUR

#BanggaPakaiFirefox #ProudFirefoxUser

Sepuluh tahun yang lalu, tahun 2004, Mozilla adalah sebuah organisasi non-profit yang sangat menarik perhatian saya. Bagaimana tidak, untuk pesta peluncuran peramban internet buatannya, “Mozilla Firefox 1.0”, Mozilla memperkenankan setiap pengunanya di mana saja, di seluruh dunia, tak terkecuali di Indonesia [MozParty2 Jakarta], terlibat langsung menyelenggarakannya.

Ten years ago, 2004, Mozilla was a non-profit organization that really attracts my attention. How come? For their internet browser’s launching party, “Mozilla Firefox 1.0,” Mozilla allowed all their users anywhere, around the world, including Indonesia [MozParty2 Jakarta], to be involved in organizing it.

A lot of awesome projects have been made by Mozilla. Not just the Mozilla Firefox browser, but also the email application Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Webmaker and the latest one, Firefox OS.

Selama ini, Komunitas Mozilla Indonesia turut mengambil peran penting dalam perkembangan proyek-proyek Mozilla di Indonesia. Terima kasih kepada Romi Hardiyanto @rodin yang menjadi pimpinan tim pelokalan proyek Mozilla di Indonesia; dengan jerih payah beliau (dan tim) — banyak pengguna di Indonesia yang terbantukan.

All this time, the Indonesian Mozilla Community has been taken an important role in the development of the Mozilla projects in Indonesia. Thanks to Romi Hardiyanto @Rodin that becomes the leader of Indonesia localization team for Mozilla project. Through his high effort (and team), there are many Indonesian user that has been assisted.

Bicara tentang Firefox OS sendiri, Indonesia pernah diberi kesempatan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan Firefox OS App Days di Jakarta pada bulan Januari 2013. Yang membanggakan, kegiatan itu mendapat sambutan luar biasa dari para mozillian di Tanah Air dan banyak diberitakan oleh beberapa media nasional terkemuka, baik cetak maupun elektronik. Terima kasih kepada Benny Chandra @bennychandra yang menjadi orang di balik pembuatan rangkaian press release untuk rekan-rekan media.

Speaking about Firefox OS itself, Indonesia was given a chance to organize a Firefox OS App Days activity in Jakarta at the end of January 2013. What make me feel proud about the event, were the amazing reception from Mozillians in Indonesia and the coverage from some of the well-known print and electronic media. Thanks to Benny Chandra @BennyChandra, the man behind the making of the press release for the media.

Video “Pesta Peluncuran Firefox Teranyar!” #FirefoxIndonesia

Terakhir kali, pesta peluncuran peramban “Mozilla Firefox” diadakan di Indonesia ketika memperkenalkan tampilan anyarnya pada bulan Mei 2014 lalu. Tepatnya, diadakan di Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Video peluncuran bisa dilihat di sini. Meriah? Memang! Begitulah energi dari sebuah gerakan keren para penguna peramban Mozilla Firefox, yang sampai saat ini masih menjadi pemegang market share browser desktop di Indonesia. [Statcounter Desktop Browser November 2013-Desember 2014]

The last time a Mozilla Firefox launch party being held was the introduction of its latest look on May 2014 in Bekasi, West Java to be exact. The video of the Mozilla Firefox launch party can be seen here. Exciting? Definitely! That is the energy of an awesome movement from the users of Mozilla Firefox, which still holds the biggest market share for desktop browsers in Indonesia. [Statcounter Desktop Browser November 2013-Desember 2014]

My friend John O’Duinn wearing #FirefoxBatik Shirt

Dari segi kreativitas, Mozillian di Indonesia patut diperhitungkan. Mulai dari pembuatan maskot komunitas yang kita kenal dengan nama KUMI, lalu pembuatan Papertoys, kemudian hadirnya Kain Batik Firefox #FirefoxBatik yang semua itu merupakan hasil karya anak bangsa kita sendiri. Terima kasih kepada mascot designer KUMI Poppy Betharia, papertoy designer @salazad, dan desainer batik Hendra AB.

In the creative side, Mozillian in Indonesia are worth to be notice. From the creation of community mascot that is known as KUMI, and then the creation papertoys, also the presence of Batik Firefox fabric #FirefoxBatik. All of which are the original work of Indonesian child. Thanks to KUMI mascot designer Poppy Betharia, Papertoy designer @Salazad and the batik designer, Hendra AB.

Mitchell Baker visit Jakarta

Peluncuran KUMI sebagai maskot komunitas Mozilla Indonesia diadakan pada tanggal 27 September 2010 di Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place, Jakarta. Acara itu menjadi sangat istimewa karena dihadiri Chairwoman Mozilla, Mitchell Baker yang baru pertama kali datang ke Indonesia. Mitchell hadir bersama Gen Kanai.

The launch of KUMI as the Indonesian community mascot was held on September 27, 2010 in Blitzmegaplex Pacific Place The event became very special, because it was attended by Mozilla’s Chairwoman, Mitchell Baker whom visited Indonesia for the first time. Mitchell came with Gen Kanai.

KUMI Papertoy by @salazad
With Mark Surman — MakerParty 2013 Surabaya

10 tahun perjalanan komunitas Mozilla Indonesia, sangatlah berkembang dari acara perdana di 2004 — launch party yang dihadiri hanya 12 orang (MozParty2) hingga kegiatan skala besar (skala nasional — MakerParty 2013 Surabaya) sudah dibuat oleh para sukarelawan Mozilla di Indonesia. Saya bangga sudah memulai mengetoktularkan proyek keren ini ke banyak orang di Indonesia.

Indonesian Mozilla community has been very improved in its 10 years of journey. Mozilla Volunteers in Indonesia have organized a lot of events. From the first launching event in 2004 that was only attended by 12 people (MozParty2 [7]) to the high scale event (Maker Party 2013 in Surabaya — National scale). I am very proud to kick start this wonderful project to many people in Indonesia.

Selama ini, setahu saya, Mozilla selalu memandang setiap sukarelawannya sebagai aset penting dalam organisasi. Misalnya, Mozilla pernah memberikan saya kesempatan mengikuti pelatihan kepemimpinan LEAD Program & TRIBE Training dalam kurun waktu 2012–1013. Terima kasih untuk Debbie Cohen & Tim.

Based on my knowledge, Mozilla always view their volunteers as an important asset in their organization. For example, Mozilla has given me a chance to attend a leadership seminar called LEAD Training & TRIBE Training in 2012–2013. Thanks to Debbie Cohen and team.

LEAD Cohort 1, Half Moon Bay, CA
Webmaker Training, Athens

Sebelum itu, pada awal tahun 2011 saya juga pernah diberikan kesempatan mengambil bagian menjadi Provisional Council Member — Mozilla Reps yang menjadi cikal bakal program Mozilla Representative (ReMo). Rekomendasi saya untuk menambah dua mentor dari Indonesia juga diterima. Hingga tahun 2014 ini, Indonesia memiliki lebih dari 20 Mozilla Reps, tiga di antaranya merupakan mentor. Terima kasih William Quiviger untuk kesempatan kepada saya kala itu.

Previously in 2011, I was also given a chance to take part in becoming a Provisional Council Member — Mozilla Reps that became a prototype for the Mozilla Representative program (ReMo). My recommendation to add 2 mentors from Indonesia was also approved. Until 2014, Indonesia has more than 20 Mozilla Reps, three of which are mentors. Thanks to William Quiviger for the opportunity that was given to me at that time.

Sepuluh tahun perjalanan saya sebagai kontributor aktif Mozilla telah berlalu. Setiap perjalanan, pastilah ada akhirnya. Pada penghujung tahun 2014 ini, saya memutuskan untuk keluar dari komunitas Mozilla Indonesia dan HIVE Indonesia dan juga berhenti sebagai Mozilla Reps. Setelah ini, saya akan memfokuskan waktu saya kepada pekerjaan dan keluarga saya.

My ten years journey as an active contributor for Mozilla has passed. Every journey has an end. At the end of 2014, I have decided to step out from Indonesian Mozilla Community and HIVE Indonesia, and also resign as a Mozilla Reps. After this; I will focus my time to my family and career.

Ini bukan keputusan yang mudah bagi saya. Sebelum mengambil keputusan ini, saya telah banyak berdiskusi dengan sesama Mozillian seperti Benny Chandra, Finan Akbar, Dimas Andhana, Syafiq Mazli (Mozilla Malaysia), Vineel Reedy (Mozilla India), serta juga dengan Gen Kanai dan Mitchell Baker.

This is not an easy decision for me. Before I make this decision, I have a lot of discussion with fellow Mozillans, such as Benny Chandra, Finan Akbar, Dimas Andhana, Syafiq Mazli (Mozilla Malaysia), Vineel Reedy (Mozilla India), also with Gen Kanai and Mitchell Baker.

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